Chicken Ramen chocolate cornflake bites (Jan 2022)

Try singing this to the tune of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious':

Chicken Ramen choco cornflakes, weird but kinda yummy
Chicken Ramen choco cornflakes, now they’re in my tummy
If you crunch ‘em loud enough, your desk ends up all crumb-y
Chicken Ramen choco cornflakes, weird but kinda yummy!

I came up with that all by myself. I'm so proud. Not everything rhymes with 'yummy', y'know.

Chicken Ramen is the Ronseal of chicken-flavoured instant ramen. It's one of those Japanese brand names that doesn't mess about. Like the Cup Noodle, which I've featured on this blog many a time, it signals what you're getting from the off.

I like Chicken Ramen, in general. The instant pack portion sizes are a bit stingy, if you ask me, but they taste just fine. Whoever decided they'd be a great addition to the chocolate-covered cornflake... was maybe not thinking straight at the time, though.

That's how we ended up with tongue-twisting Chicken Ramen chocolate cornflakes, a limited-time (I think. I hope.) special at convenience stores.

I may not be the biggest fan out there, but this is exactly the kind of thing I'd buy to try once.

To quote my own tweet about these, made not long after opening the packet:

"There’s a lot of uncooked Chicken Ramen on these, held together by enough chocolate that you can’t see the cornflake at all. They smell like plain chocolate. They taste like kinda oversalted chocolate, or salted caramel if you forgot the caramel. They’re so crunchy it’s loud."

What I didn't say outright in my tweet, for fear of putting people off, is that before you can eat one of these you have to mentally shake off the idea that you're holding a poop nugget. One that's about to go in your mouth. I made a brave sacrifice (an image search 'chicken droppings') for the sake of this post, and suffice to say I'm not wrong about how these snacks look.

At least they don't taste much like chicken. I say that like it's a good thing, but for a snack with that much Chicken Ramen in it maybe it's a bad thing? If you want chicken flavour then eat something else. Any chicken-y undertones in the mix with these snacks are overpowered by chocolate and salt.

The chocolate is nice, and the crunch is crunchy, but for me these bites are ultimately too salty for my liking. It's a shame, because a lot of the crazy ideas end up working out. Maybe if they were white chocolate, instead... and looked less like crap.

Verdict: 6/10. No, I'm not putting chocolates in my next bowl of chicken ramen.